Engineered objects like cars and tech are perfect for animating in 3D. 
We can often get a higher resolution render than a phtography studio and move the camera with microscopic control to show the product in amazing new ways. 
Grosby - Back to School
An animation demostrating the levels of comfort in these school shoes. They use the same technology as sport shoes so expressing that graphically was fun to do. 
Design and Animation: Oz Smith
Studio: Jumbla, Melbourne
To further our perverse love of mixing opposite styles and techniques we created this product demo for Knog bike and outdoor lights. Our references were a mix of shiny 3D product renders and colourful illustration. So we mixed them together to see what would happen.

The idea is that the lights are extremely powerful, and set on a black background the lights flash into the distance to illuminate the outdoor cycling adventures.

Director: Oz Smith
Producer: Charlotte Parsons
Illustration: Jimmy Manton
Lead Animator: Kane Rowlingson
3D Artists: Cornel Swoboda, Jiwoo Park
Modelling: Jess Herrera
Agency: Jumbla, Melbourne
Seven Miles Coffee 
A really enjoyable little project to work on. We got to mix 2D animation on a 3D cup and scene, lit by a time-lapse background. It was so much fun to put all the elements together to make these spots for socials, OOH and TV.
Client - East of Everything
Creative Director - Oz Smith
Direction & Animation - Soma Studios
EP - Charlotte Parsons
Inabox Colours
After creating the animations for the Inabox Heavy Duty Range our client wanted to create a video for the new colour range that was focused more on design & style than functionality.
Using clean environments with sweeping shadows we made a choreographed, 3D animation to showcase the new colours, tying it together with bold typographic animation to give it a contemporary feel.
Client - Inabox
Design, Direction & Animation - Soma Studios
Creative Director - Oz Smith
EP - Charlotte Parsons
Carman's Dark Choc & Cranberry Bars 
We were delighted to create this animation with Carman’s Kitchen and East of Everything, it was a fun one to make.
The folding section was a stop motion style 3D animation with built in wobble and exposure fluctuations, just like when using a real camera.
For the bar, we had to model every single little nut and cranberry so that we could simulate it collapsing into a pile. Then we reversed this animation to form the completed bar, then adding the choc and taking a bite.
Client - East of Everything
Creative Director - Oz Smith
Direction & Animation - Soma Studios
Modelling & Texturing - Kollected Studio
EP - Charlotte Parsons

An animation to show the modular nature of Kaboodle kitchens with varying sizes and configurations. They also wanted to showcase the range of finishes. 
Creative Director and Animation: Oz Smith
Producer: Charlotte Parsons
Studio: Soma Studios
Schweigen Brand Animation
Animation demostrating the Schweigen range hoods. 
Fox Ess Solar Batteries
An animation to show the home applications of Fox Ess batteries. 
Whispair Range Hoods
Animation demostrating the Whispair range hoods. 

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